Looking for a vision supplement that can both protect your eyes and improve your eyesight? You’ve come to the right place. Here we recommend the Best Vision Supplement UK…
We need our eyesight to work efficiently and carry out almost all daily tasks. Most of us take being able to see clearly for granted and should take better care of our eyes. There are numerous ways to protect your eyesight, some of which cost nothing. For example, taking short breaks from looking at computer screens or wearing sunglasses while outside on a sunny day. These changes are easy to implement. However, while they can protect your eyesight, they won’t necessarily improve your vision. To help protect your eyes and improve your eyesight, you can take a supplement that’s tailored towards visual health.
We recommend Performance Lab Vision as our choice for Best Vision Supplement UK. We’ll discuss why in a moment, but for now…
SHORTCUT: BUY Performance Lab Vision
SHORTCUT: BUY Performance Lab Vision
Table of Contents
What to Look for in a Vision Supplement
Vision supplements range in price and quality. Cheaper products are generally less useful as they tend to contain ingredients that target the whole body, rather than just the eyes. Better quality vision supplements will contain pure, organic micronutrients that specifically support and enhance eyesight. We discuss some of those specific ingredients below.
We believe the Best Vision Supplement UK should fulfil the following basic criteria…
They should:
Reduce Eye Fatigue:
We spend hours staring at bright screens. The blue light emitted by phones, tablets, computers and TVs can cause painful, annoying eyestrain. Look out for vision supplements that target screen-related fatigue and help reduce such eyestrain.
Protect Eyesight:
This is an obvious one. A great quality vision supplement should protect your eyes from UV damage and blue light damage. It should also protect your macula, an important area at the back of each eyeball. An ideal vision supplement will also contain ingredients that support blood flow and strengthen the blood vessels in and around the eyes.
Improve Eyesight:
Some supplements could improve your eyesight. This might be by improving contrast detection, helping focus or enhancing glare recovery. There are potentially huge benefits to improving your eyesight – you’ll be able to work more efficiently and effectively in all areas of your life. Choose supplements that specifically improve reaction times and coordination.
The Best Ingredients for Vision
If you’re a supplement newbie or a supplement connoisseur, we’ve got you covered. Over the years, we’ve inspected supplements closely and found the following are the best ingredients to take for vision support. We look for them in any Best Vision Supplement UK. Keep an eye out for these key ingredients when choosing a vision supplement…
Astaxanthin is an antioxidant found in algae, crabs and salmon – it’s one of the most efficient vision-promoting antioxidants. It boosts blood flow to our eyes and is abundant in the human retina. This can improve eye movement, decrease fatigue and generally support good eye health. Look for vision supplements that use an organic, vegan-friendly source of Astaxanthin. It also reduces pain and inflammation; this makes it a superb supplement to take if you are prone to eye strain.
Lutein is perhaps the most useful vision supplement. It’s found in the macula, a small area at the back of each eyeball. Scientists aren’t entirely sure how Lutein works, but they do know how powerful it can be. Lutein has been shown to increase glare recovery, improve contrast sensitivity and form the eye’s macular pigment Research has shown that taking Lutein may lower the risk of developing cataracts.
Zeaxanthin is Lutein’s partner in crime. It’s another coloured pigment that’s found in vegetables like corn and bell peppers. Like Lutein, it’s a powerful macular pigment. Zeaxanthin helps protect against age-related macular degeneration. It also helps block harmful levels of light from entering the eyes and causing damage.
Fruit extracts, from berries in particular, can have vision-supporting effects. They’re usually packed full of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. Some berries are more suited to visual health than others. For example, Bilberries contain anthocyanosides.
Anthocyanosides are pigments, usually extracted from berries and coloured vegetables. They’re excellent at strengthening blood vessels. They can also help your eyes adjust to low-light conditions, improving night vision. Anthocyanosides won’t let you see in complete darkness, but you should notice a subtle improvement! Look out for products containing Cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G) – it’s a type of Anthocyanoside with antioxidant effects. C3G also protects blood vessels, like those in your eyes, from oxidative stress.
Saffron is more than just an expensive food flavouring – it’s a rich, natural source of safranal, a vision-promoting pigment. Safranal has been shown to improve motion detection and it helps reduce visual glare. It also lowers the risk of macular degeneration. It might also slow down visual ageing.
Best Ready-Made Vision Supplement Stack
Performance Lab Vision: Best Vision Supplement UK
Which vision supplement do we wholeheartedly recommend? We’ve researched and reviewed hundreds of vision supplements. Few met our strict criteria and we whittled down our list to just a handful of products. After a lot of thorough research and testing, we settled on our favourite; Performance Lab Vision. Here’s why.
Performance Lab Vision contains seven sight-strengthening supplements. These include FloraGLO Lutein and Zeaxanthin, the researched-backed molecules that can protect your eyes from blue light damage. FloraGLO is the top recommended Lutein brand in the USA – a sign that Performance Lab is strongly committed to quality.
Another major ingredient in Performance Lab Vision is European Blackcurrant. This tasty berry extract is high in cyanidins and anthocyanosides including Cyanidin-3-Glucoside (C3G). As well as improving the taste of the supplement, European Blackcurrant gives you enough anthocyanins to help prevent some cardiovascular diseases. The 300mg of free-dried blackcurrant in every capsule also provides you with GLA, a form of omega-6. Gamma Linolenic Acid, often called GLA, can prevent ocular inflammation and treat dry eye disease.
The full list of ingredients In Performance Lab Vision is as follows…
As you can see, it contains ALL of the ideal vision-improving and protecting ingredients we mentioned above. It should be obvious now why we like Performance Lab Vision so much.
Each of the seven ingredients in Performance Lab Vision are properly dosed. This means you’re getting the right amount of each supplement; enough to reap their benefits without worrying side effects.
Who Can Take It?
Almost anyone can take Performance Lab Vision. Everyone from young students to the elderly could benefit from their use. Performance Lab Vision doesn’t contain any banned supplements and shouldn’t interfere with medications but check with your doctor before taking it. You may notice benefits after taking it for just a few days. However, its effects are more pronounced when taken for extended periods of time.
How to Take It
This is an ideal supplement for daily use. Take just one NutriCap capsule daily with food, it couldn’t be easier!
Our Final Word on Performance Lab Vision
If you follow a vegan diet or prefer to take natural products, Performance Lab Vision should be an ideal vision supplement for you. It’s made using 100% organic, vegan ingredients that are GMO-free and non-irradiated. Unlike many other products, it doesn’t contain caffeine, soy, egg or gluten because they’re unnecessary filler and aren’t required. It doesn’t even contain artificial colours because it simply doesn’t need them! Some companies cram pointless additives into their vision supplements to cut costs, but Performance Lab give you 100% active ingredients. Performance Lab Vision is free from any banned substances, so athletes can use it as a legal, visual boost without fear of disqualification.
READ our Full Review of Performance Lab Vision
PAIRS WELL WITH: Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi
If you’re serious about seeing clearly, take a multivitamin alongside your vision supplement. Combining supplements like this is called stacking and is a great way to maximise the effects of both supplements. An ideal multivitamin contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals with no unnecessary ingredients or synthetic additives. It should be easy to digest and not contain any caffeine, soy or gluten.
Our favourite multivitamin for vision support is Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi; it ticks all the boxes. This modern multivitamin is formulated for complete physical and mental health support but also contains ingredients like zinc and vitamin A which promote excellent eyesight. Zinc helps prevent cataracts and prevent blindness, which can be caused by dietary zinc deficiency. Vitamin A helps protect the surface or your corneas, the transparent layer that covers both of your eyes. It also contains vitamin E, which protects your eyes from tissue damage caused by free radicals.
Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi is available in two versions, tailored for both men and women. It doesn’t contain any artificial additives or synthetic preservatives and is made using nature-identical micronutrients.