Bulk Powders have gone a little off script with Cutting Edge, but that’s not necessarily a criticism. In fact, their ethos behind creating Cutting Edge is quite refreshing. According to their website, they set out to “Ignore the costs and just create the very best weight loss supplement possible” which does jar slightly with their reputation for offering excellent value alongside high quality, but again this is not a criticism. In fact, Bulk Powders going fully premium is almost certainly something to get excited about.
The name ‘Cutting Edge’ implies both the type of results they intend to produce for customers as well as the advanced nature of the formula. Each ingredient has been carefully selected and precisely dosed to create something that Bulk Powders hope will set a new standard in weight loss supplements. But have they succeeded? Let’s find out…
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A dietary fibre derived from the Konjac plant, or elephant yam, glucomannan is best known for being highly soluble, able to absorb vast quantities of water, and a fun word to say out loud repeatedly. In fact, combining a small amount of glucomannan with a glass of water will turn the whole thing into a thick gel. It is this absorption and thickening that makes it a useful tool for weight loss, as it combines with the water in your stomach and gut to keep you feeling fuller for longer.
The healthy bacteria in your stomach can break down glucomannan into short chain fatty acids which can reduce the rate at which your body gains fat. It is also thought to slow the absorption of sugar and cholesterol from within the stomach which helps keep your blood sugar and cholesterol levels low.
The amount of glucomannan in one serving of Cutting Edge is 3g, which is at the top end of what is considered advisable for adults to take as a supplement, though it is regularly prescribed for things like constipation and diabetes.
Green Coffee Extract
Bulk Powders are keen to point out that their premium green coffee extract contains 50% Chlorogenic Acid whereas a lower quality extract could contain around 20%. Chlorogenic Acid is the ingredient that is most commonly linked to weight loss as it acts as an inhibitor for glucose absorption.One major study showed that a group supplementing with chlorogenic acid were able to achieve on average 5.4kg of weight loss over 12 weeks compared to an average of 1.7kg from the placebo group.
The dosage here seems to be very much on point, with 400mg of green coffee extract providing 200mg of chlorogenic acid, assuming the 50% claimed by Bulk Powders is accurate, and we have no reason to believe it is not.
An essential amino acid whose main function is to produce tyrosine – another amino acid that is linked to mental alertness. It is also used in the production of epinephrine and norepinephrine, as well as dopamine. All of these molecules concern interactions in your brain and there is only a small amount of evidence to support any physical benefit for exercise.
The reason for its inclusion in the formula for Cutting Edge is not crystal clear. However, we can assume that the mental alertness provided by the molecules that L-Phenylalanine signals for, plus the fact that tyrosine has been proven to help fight fatigue by adding a good 3 hours of brain power, will benefit those who are operating on a calorie deficit, especially if they are exercising as well.
It seems like the medical community can’t quite make their mind up about caffeine. Do the benefits outweigh the risks? Will drinking 8 cups of coffee a day add years to your life? Or should you cap it at 4 cups unless you want to suffer from migraines, muscle tremors, irritability or insomnia (among other symptoms)?
Bulk Powders clearly rate the potential benefits of caffeine and reference benefits to rate of perceived exertion (RPE, or how hard you think you are training) and mental alertness. One fairly recent study indicated a link between caffeine supplementation and a lower RPE, but this was accompanied by increases in nervousness, restlessness and stomach distress as well. Other studies also indicate a link between caffeine and low RPE as well as increased exercise performance. Bulk Powders Cutting Edge contains 300mg of caffeine.
Cinnamon Extract
The potential benefits of cinnamon for weight loss are not fully understood and there is little research indicating any sort of causal link. It is thought to help balance blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol and has been linked to other benefits including a reduced risk of cancer and resistance to neurodegenerative diseases.
Peppermint Leaf Powder
Again, there is not a great deal of research into the weight loss properties of peppermint, but it has been linked to benefits for digestion so could help to promote good intestinal health by helping to relax the muscles along the digestive tract. It is possible that it helps to support the effects of glucomannan in the gut.
Choline Bitartrate
Choline bitartrate is commonly used by athletes to improve performance during exercise and help to reduce the onset of fatigue. It is also a popular choice among combat sportspeople who are trying to cut down their weight before a competition.
One study on female Taekwondo and Judo competitors concluded that choline could dramatically reduce body weight with minimal impact on strength, though there could be other potentially unwanted side-effects.
A patented compound that helps to increase the bioavailability of other nutrients and supplements, BioPerine® is well researched and scientifically supported. Its inclusion in Cutting Edge helps to optimise the absorption rates of all the other ingredients
Chromium Picolinate
This is a form of chromium, a mineral that supports the effects of insulin in processing fat, carbs and protein. Absorption levels of chromium are very low, but chromium picolinate is absorbed at a higher rate and so is more commonly found in supplements.
There have been a fair few studies conducted in to its effectiveness as an aid to weight loss and there is some evidence, though more research is needed. It has been shown to reduce food cravings and depression in doses smaller than you get in Cutting Edge and so it could, like L-Phenylalanine, be beneficial to maintaining a calorie deficit diet.
Selenium Methionine
Selenium helps to regulate the functioning of the thyroid and can help to reduce cholesterol. Studies have linked selenium with benefits to the immune system, heart and other major organs.

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- 10 active ingredients, carefully selected and dosed, makes this is one of the most potent weight loss blends on the market
- Bulk Powders have built their reputation on exceptional quality and value
- Contains BioPerine® to help the rate of absorption of the other active ingredients in Cutting Edge
- The formula is based quite heavily around ingredients that have proven benefits for weight loss, such as glucomannan, chlorogenic acid and choline
- Very high caffeine content from two different ingredients (300mg of caffeine plus the green coffee extract) so be wary of getting any more from elsewhere – decaf coffee only for you!
- It is unclear just what all the ingredients are meant to do and whether they have been dosed at the optimal level, as Bulk Powders suggests
- Bulk Powders have elected not to include some other proven ingredients to the blend, with green tea extract being perhaps the most mystifying omission
Consumer Reviews
There are not all that many reviews of Cutting Edge on Amazon, but here is a small handful;

Who Takes It?
Cutting Edge seems to be of maximum benefit to anyone who is already following a strict diet and exercise regime, but also wants to accelerate their weight loss.
How To Take It?
Bulk Powders advise you to take 6 capsules per day. Do this in 3 rounds of 2 capsules, taken before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Safety & Side-Effects
There are a few things to consider when deciding if Cutting Edge is the right weight loss supplement for you. We mentioned that the debate about the benefits and risks of caffeine is ongoing, so use your judgement as to whether ingesting the equivalent of 3 cups of filter coffee a day is a good idea for you personally.
It is not recommended to use Cutting Edge if you are pregnant due to phenylalanine having been linked to birth defects when taken in high doses by expecting mothers. Too much cinnamon can lead to liver complications although the dose in Cutting Edge is extremely unlikely to have any impact.
Finally, be aware that ingesting high doses of choline could result in sweating, diarrhoea, vomiting and smelling like fish (no, seriously).
Does It Work?
Many of the ingredients in Cutting Edge are backed by science to support weight loss in some way. The blend of these ingredients is thoughtful from Bulk Powders, but there is no question that glucomannan takes pride of place, accounting for two thirds of the total volume of active ingredients in Cutting Edge. The rest of the ingredients do their part to support your energy levels, mood, and satiety whilst offering some thermogenic benefits.
Truthfully though, it’s hard to shake the feeling that Bulk Powders could have done more with this. The formula mostly hinges on appetite suppressing and providing short term energy boosts to get you through the day. Those caveats aside, however, we are happy to recommend Bulk Powders Cutting Edge as a decent value-for-money option.
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